News to 2022

We held our Christmas concert at St. Stephens Church on December 14th in front of a good audience who turned up in spite of the horrible weather.Everone was in good spirits,despite the cold, and our performance was well received. We sang festive songs, old and newer, and and we heard a reflection from Roger Wilcox and some amusing poems too. It was a joyful evening and we raised over £320 for St.Stephens Church into the bargain.In the run up to Christmas some members of the choir also sang carols at Walsall Manor Hospital and Goscote Hospice.

Below you will find some photos of the Christmas concert, and we have at last some updated photos of the choir and Musical Director, Justine Clarke and Accompanist, Matt Davies.

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We spent a very enjoyable couple of hours at Willenhall Memorial Park on Sunday, August 14th. The weather was gorgeous and a sizeable audience appreciated the sunshine and our singing. Here are a few photos of the afternoon.

Well, our first concert in 2 years took place on May 7th at St Giles Church!

We had an audience of nearly 100, and sang a varied programme which was well received.

There were many complimentary remarks heard after the performance.Our new members helped us make a slightly different sound and everyone was delighted. 

It was so good to sing in public after such a long lay off, and we believe the appreciative audience thought so too! Overall a very good evening, the only drawback being we all forgot to take photos of the event!


We began 2020 with our annual dinner at the Pavilion and it was once again a success. Pete Boddis and his glamorous assistant treated us to an hour of familiar music to listen and sing along to. The food was good, the company too, and a jolly good time was had by one and all! The following piccies prove it!

A big Thank You to all our friends, followers and supporters for their continued help and support throughout 2019.! Every concert needs an audience and also helpers to ensure all goes smoothly. So thank you to those who came to listen, and grateful thanks to all the ticket and programme sellers, raffle organisers, food and drink servers, door men and women, patrons, sponsors, donors and anyone who helped in any way. . We wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!

We ended the year with a performance of Night of Miracles at Portobello Methodist Church on December 7th.  It was intended to help get everyone in a christmas mood and we think it succeeded.

The church was busy and as usual there were plenty of cakes and goodies in the church hall at half time. 

A representative from Acorns attended to receive the actual cheque, and we managed to raise a fantastic £1800 for this excellent cause. The choir has now raised over £44,000 from our annual charity concerts, so 

well done everyone!  We have some photos of the evening below.

Finally, many thanks must go to Justine Clarke, our Musical Director, and Matt Davies, our Accompanist, for their hard work, and not a little humour, over the year. Singing made fun! You should join us!

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We held our annual charity concert on November 16th, this year to raise funds for Acorns Hospice. As ever, we had a good turnout of people ever willing to support a good cause, and we had excellent guest artistes in Swing That Music.

An evening of varied popular and traditional music, laced with jazz,  ensued, which had everyone tapping their feet. All in all a great night.Thanks to all who contributed in any way, either by attending or helping with the 101 things needed to make the night a success. At the end a provisional cheque for £1200 was handed to the Acorns representative, with a promise of a bit more when all the money is in and counted! We have photos.

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St Stephen's church held its 40th year celebration on September 6th, and the church was decked in flowers both real and handmade. The efforts of the congregation were impressive and the church was beautiful. A good audience sang along at times, as we opened the proceedings, before a blessing and this was followed by a buffet and some fun and games. The evening was enjoyable and we even have a video recording of the event, courtesy of a church member.  You can watch it when I have sorted out how to upload it!

We were quite busy in July! On the 5th , some of us we sang at the Bloxwich Carnival, albeit briefly and the weather was kind. Then on Sunday, July 6th , we returned to Willenhall Park and did our 2 hour stint. It was not as warm as previous years , but we sang well and the audience appreciated us. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon so much, no one remembered to take any photographs!!!

The concert in May for our own funds was a great success! We had over 70 in attendance , and we sang well.

The choir were in good voice, and we had a number of solo, duet  and quartet peformances as well as a jazz piano treat from our accompanist, Matt Davies.

The audience was appreciative and they also enjoyed the cakes and pies and buns laid on for the hungry!

All in all a good night and we raised over £500 for choir funds. Thanks are due all round to the organisers , doorman, raffle sellers, and food providers and everyone who helped in any way. 

We held our Annual Dinner on January 7th, and a good time was had by one and all. We were entertained by Matt Flanagan as Michael Buble and the food was good. Unfortunately no-one thought to take any incriminating photos!

Also in January, Nick Jeavons , our accompanist for the last 2 years, left us to take up full time employment. All of us at Willenhall Singers wish Nick all the best for his future and thank him for his work whilst he was with us.

Nick kindly introduced his successor, Matt Davies, to us, and Matt is settling in well.

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