Willenhall Musical Society was formed in 1944 by employees of the Yale & Towne Manufacturing company as a mixed choir. Initially called the Yale & Towne Choir, the title was changed to Willenhall Musical Society in 1945. The choir has performed regularly at concerts in the local area and from time to time, further afield. In an average year we put on between four and six concerts, of which 2 or 3 are festive Christmas concerts.
Over the years the choir has flourished and has sung in competitions around the country, although nowadays we are more community based. This does not deflect us from our mission to perform to a high standard. The current membership numbers a little under 30, but in common with most mixed choirs, there is a predominance of ladies. We all believe that every effort should be made to preserve the British choral tradition and in furtherance of that desire, we actively encourage the recruitment of younger members. Willenhall Singers has a written constitution and a Managing Committee and is a member of the National Association of Choirs.
We arrange concerts to support many charities and charitable organisations in the West Midlands and hold an annual concert, normally in October or November, for our charity of the year. We invite guest artistes to share the stage for this annual concert and we have welcomed some terrific performers over the years from junior school bands to polished semi professional singers. Attendances are always over 100 and we have often hosted civic dignitaries who come to support our efforts. Over the past 20 years our annual charity concert has raised more than £45,000 for a variety of good causes. A full list appears on our archive page.
In 2015 a resolution was passed at AGM to change our name from Willenhall Musical Society to Willenhall Singers in order to reflect the more modern repertoire and outlook which we now present. The composition and outlook of the choir is now very different from that of it's earlier days and choral singing is now much more a communal activity, although nevertheless we strive to attain a high standard of performance.We hope you will like our new look and hope to see you at one of our concerts in the very near future.
Our Musical Director is Justine Clarke and Accompanist, Matt Davies.
Rehearsals take place each Monday evening, from 7.00pm to 9.00 at St Stephen's Church, Wolverhampton St. .Willenhall. There is a Google map of our location on the Contact Us page. Rehearsals are always fun and usually fairly painless! Anyone who likes to sing and can hold a tune will be warmly welcomed. Monthly subscriptions are only £15.
See Contact details on Contact Us page.
About the Choir
Here are a few photos from the archive of the choir over the years.