


The choir would not function without the excellent work done by our committee in organising our affairs.



President-Margaret O'Callaghan


 Margaret is one of the longest serving members of the choir, sitting in the soprano section , and helps to organise publicity for the choir generally and is also acting Secretary. She was appointed President at the AGM in 2009.






 Chairman-Pam Proffitt

 Pam has been chairperson for some years now  and continues to do a good a job keeping us all in order!






 Musical Director-Justine Clarke


 Justine was appointed in January 2011 after 20 years as a choir member and has introduced a number of modern pieces to our repertoire. We have been regularly complimented on the variety in our programmes. She leads us in a refreshing way and rehearsals are always lively!   






 Secretary- Margaret O'Callaghan is currently standing in.




 Treasurer -Anne Langley


 Anne is a contralto and joined the choir in 1979 . She has been Treasurer for the last 30+years, keeps a firm grip on finances and maintains membership records.



 Accompanist-Matt Davies

  Matt joined us in 2019 and is now just like an old friend!



Soprano Representative-Annette Peach

Annette is a keen and enthusiastic member of the committee and always quick to offer help.


Bass Representative-Dennis Emms


   Dennis  quickly volunteered to be bass rep and he is not shy to voice his opinion. He also looks after the Notice Board ( his idea! ) at rehearsals.




Bob Henderson - Concert Manager

Bob was recently appointed to manage our concert arrangements and we are already better organised! 


Tina Titley-Patrons Secretary

Tina joined us some time ago and is always ready with an opinion!

Mike Langley- Website Manager

I've been doing this for a while now, so if the website  looks a bit stale, blame me!