Our final concert of 2018 was held at St Giles Church , Willenhall, where we performed Night of Miracles , and some festive carols. An enjoyable evening, and we also presented the cheque to representatives of Marie Curie Nurses , which had grown to £1500! We have a few photos, including one decent one of the choir, at last!
The 2018 Charity Concert in aid of Marie Curie Nurses was great success! We had a good turnout, sang well and our guests, Sedgley Strummers, gave an entertaining performance. A singalong of items relating to the centenary of World War 1 were included in the programme, and were appreciated.
As usual, many people contributed to a successful evening, and our thanks go to each and everyone who helped in any way. We made money on the raffle,(worth coming for that alone!), refreshments, and programme sales.We must also thank programme advertisers , many of whom support us every year. As in previous years, the Mayor and Mayoress of Walsall attended , and we thank Councillor and Mrs Marco Longhi for their support.
Most importantly, a big thank you to all those who attended, over 120 again. A cheque for £1000 was presented to Rachel Nash, representing Marie Curie Nurses, who gave us a short talk on the work that they do. We fully expect the sum raised to increase in value as the final monies are received, and the official cheque will be presented at our Christmas evening at St Giles Church, Willenhall on December 8th.
We have a few pictures, including a long awaited updated version of the choir!
We had a great time at Willenhall memorial Park , in the June sunshine. We sang a good selection of music, a couple of solos, and everyone was smiling.
There was a good turnout and we even had PA equipment to make sure we were heard! The photos below will give you a flavour of the day, and we're invited back again next year.
Our first concert of 2018 was at our home venue, Portobello Methodist Church, on April 21st, and it went off very well. We had a good audience, we sang well, the refreshments were tasty and everyone had a good time!
We tried out a couple of songs just added to our repertoire, and they were appreciated. Here are the usual photos .
Our Annual Dinner at Pavilion was a sociable evening , with good food, good company and entertainment. David Bartley made us all laugh!
We presented a cheque for £2220, a record for our charity concert, to Alzheimers -Dementia Local Support, on December 14th, 2017. This sum was raised by the efforts of the choir, its members and supporters, principally from our major concert on November 18th, and also from activities during November and December.(See below for more details.)
This brings the total we have raised over the last 25 years to £40845! Well done , everyone!
We rounded off the year with carols at Sainsbury's, Wednesfield, the Black Country Living Museum and a late notice carol evening at St John's Church in the Square , in aid of Dementia.U.K..
Sainsbury's customers were again very generous and put £228 in our bucket, and a massive effort was also made by Gail and Tina, the daughters of Hilda Coulson, a choir member of many years standing, producing over £400 with various activities. Hilda lost her husband of 61 years to the disease just recently.The initial cheque, (see below), grew considerably as a result.
This splendid effort enabled us to present a final cheque for £2220 to Dementia UK local support, which was handed to Emma Butler at the St Johns Church concert on December 14th. This was the largest sum we have ever raised for our chosen charity.We shared the stage with the Rock Choir and the Wolverhampton Council Choir and we all had a good time.
We had an audience of over 150 for our Charity Concert at Sneyd Community Centre on November 20th.
We welcomed the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Walsall, and the choir were excellently supported by Walsall Town Brass band. The concert raised funds for Dementia UK and Alzheimers. It was a good night and we would like to thank all who contributed with their time, their money and their effort to a cause
which sadly affects many people , either directly or indirectly.
In July we sang in Willenhall Park and at home at Portobello Methodist Church and had some good fun.
The weather was fine for our stint in the park on Sunday and unusually for us we had microphones and amplifiers.We could be heard all over the park and quite a decent crowd attended and sang along at times. It was a really pleasant way to spend an afternoon and some of us had ice cream as well!
Here are a few photographs to remind us of an enjoyable 2017!