Concert Diary 2016
We had a very busy Christmas , but one we enjoyed immensely. Our festive concerts were appreciated and well supported.
Concerts at the Lock Museum and the Black Country Living Museum were very festive occasions and we
also enjoyed singing at Sainsbury's and appreciate the generosity of their customers.
Date | Location | Event |
Jan 4th 7 for 7.30 | Goodyear Pavilion | Annual Dinner |
Feb | ||
Mar 11th 7.00 | Quiz Night | Corpus Christi, Ashmore Park |
Apr 30th 7.30 | Portobello Methodist Church | Concert |
May 21st 7.30 | Bilston Congregational Church | Concert |
Jun | ||
Jul 31st | Calderfields GC | Wedding |
Aug | ||
Sep | ||
Oct | ||
Nov 11th 7 pm | Corpus Christi | Quiz Night |
19th 7.30pm | Sneyd Community School | Annual Charity Concert |
Dec To Be Advised | Willenhall Lock Museum | Christmas Concert |
TBA | Sainsbury's , Wednesfield | Christmas Concert |
TBA | Black Country Living Museum | Christmas Carols |
Finally , here are the photos which make up the events throughout 2016.