If you are looking to raise funds for a charitable cause, please get in touch as the choir will be happy to help for a very modest fee.
We now have a Concert Manager, Bob Henderson, and he will be happy to discuss taking bookings for any events you may have planned. He can be contacted on 07850 339879 or by email at bob.a.henderson@blueyonder.co.uk.
Rehearsals are every Monday from 7.00-9.00 pm and we are based at St Stephen's Church,Wolverhampton St. Willenhall.WV13 2PS.
See the Diary page for details of forthcoming concerts in 2025.
Welcome to Willenhall Singers website.
We hope what you see here will interest and entertain you and give you a flavour of what
our community choir is all about.
We would love to see you soon at a rehearsal or a concert!